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Slowly Slipping

The other day I was sitting at a small coffee shop avoiding the rain with a very good friend yesterday sipping on my Latte with hazelnut flavor and discussing politics. Does it get much better than this? I think not. As we sat there we discussed a great many things such as education, a few books we had read and the political scene of the town I am from. My friend, who was my former government teacher in high school, said to me, “do you think we are slipping into a world of Fear Factor and the Bachelorette?” I thought about it for a second before I responded. First I had to think about what it meant. I took it as we as a society are losing our focus on what is really important. We are now more involved in a show where people eat animal genitalia or bugs when we should be focusing on one of the latest stories on the lack of WMD’s in Iraq. We no longer question what our government is doing. As long as we are happy in our own lives for that moment in time we have no scuffle. I am not asking you to go out and run for office or even go out and try and gather all the newspapers from today and get every bit of information out that you can. All I ask is that maybe instead of turning on your favorite series turn on CNN or MSNBC and see what they have to say. If nothing else read the headlines on Yahoo’s homepage. Once you have done this a few times go out and have a conversation with a friend and discuss the news of the time. I promise it doesn’t hurt and you might actually enjoy it. Go out and learn as much as you can.


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